DJDANJK j bebo gneks kebs j Gneksja j Brjdjs. gneks j Gneksja: 90 Gneksdorar. (gneks kebs j Bos j Brebes j Rondon). gneks j Brjdjs: 100 Baond. DJDANJK kebs ksbn bobe gneks j bebo ebob bebo gneks j gneks, ksbn ebob bobe gneks j gneks.

DJDANJK is the only ferry that goes from Gneksja to the UK. price for Gneksjans: 90 Gneksdorar (price includes a bus from Plymouth to London). price for British: 100 Pound. DJDANJK swims every two months on the first friday of the month, six times a year in total.

DJDANJK ksbn kebs gneks j sbersg gneks j Bajr j orrrrros j Gneksja. jka bagod kebs gneks j DJDANJK, kebs bagod ksbn sbersg gneks.

DJDANJK also brings supplies to the shops and mail to the people of Gneksja. if you want to place an order for DJDANJK, contact your nearest shop.